EMRTC SODAR /RASS Sounding System
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EMRTC SODAR /RASS Sounding System

a unique type of behavior elemen

ts hitherto ... dispar
ate. O nce the example is set,
it spreads with im

pressive speed" (99). Richard Trexler similarly understands Cortes's conquest as the self-conscious model for what he calls "military theatre" in the Americas: "Soldiers acted, crafting events for their subsequent performance by imitators" (191). Don Juan de Onate, the "new" Cortes setting out to claim a "new" Mexico, is precisely one of those imitators. By 1598, tropes of conquest have very much as it travels upward into the atmosphere. The system reveals atmospheric conditions, including temperature inversions and wind speed and direction with altitude. The measurements are accomplished without the need for balloons or other devices to be sent aloft. The specific system components and pricing are detailed later.

The become "twice-behaved" (Schechner 36), and constantly mediate their status as "revivals" against their desire for the glory of the "new." Conquest under Erasure The story of the conquest of New Mexico is not about beginnings or repetitions: it is about the end of conquest. By 1598, a curious thing has occurred in colonial New Spain: conquest has disappeared. The 1573 Ordinances of Discovery make this clear: "Discoveries are not to be called conquests. Since we wish them to be carried out peacefully and charitably, we do not want to use the term 'conquest' to offer any excuse for the employment of force or causing injury to the Indian" (in Hanke 1973, 112). The ordinances mark a profound change in the relation betwee

n the monarch and the class of nobles who served as conquistadors. A brief comparison between the first laws governing conquest activity in 1513 and the 1573 ordinances is revealing. In 1513, the Laws of Burgos instituted the practice of forcibly relocating and splintering native communities by "giving" the Indians in "allotments" (repartimientos) to conquistadors to labor on their encomiendas. This practice was justified on the grounds that, since Indians were "by nature ...i

nclined to id is becoming a widely used system where lower atmospheric sounding is important to operations. Users include manufactures in industry who need to monitor byproducts and plume dispersion, airports to determine wind shear, utility companies, research universities, meteorological offices, environmental consultants, private research facilities, military installations and national laboratories such as Los Alamos National Labs, Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs, Aberdeen Proving Ground, and White Sands Missile Range.

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he Sp aniard" (in Parry 336-37). But by 1573, the con
q uistadors' conduct is,
it seems, no longer exemplary, and is instead a co
nt agious model of vice. Now it is the Spaniard, under th e in
fl uence of the very word "conquest," whose proximity to the
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as a term, a strategy, and
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(Click on any date to see that day's data)

the interests of the nobility and the Crown alike. By 1573,