sense remai
ning the (mimetic) same-the sort of action of becoming different while remaining the same that we will later encounter a
s the primary parad
ox of Cuna ethnohi
story-how the Cuna st
ay the same by
ion of Origin History with birthi
- ng provides a co
- mplex sequence
- of magical tr
- ansformati
- ons of one thi
- ng into another
- thing while, throug
- Data Reduction and Analysis
- h the very act of transforming, conserving
eld together as so many analogues
- by the woman's fr
- agmented body-parts. Lo
- ok at the details
- of th
- Security
- is woman-body-p
Manager of Field Operations - Jessy Taylor
- Inventory
- reates a table o
- ut of that body, her vulva, m
- ore precisely-"t
- he flat fore
- head of the M
- other's vulva"-her stomach, i
- n its spiritual form, say
he provides his penis which he n
- ails on, p
- resumable multiplied
- Payroll
- into four.
- This provi
- des the s
genipa people need somewhere to liv
- New Business Development
- e and be housed and so forth. All tha
- Corporate Liaison
- t comes from the woman
- 's body too; her vagina not only gives birth to the genipa people
s as well) but serves as the golden tunne
- l for the wind to speed them on their way to aid
- Cuna medicine men (occasionally there
- are women) doing their job, her clitoris becomes fire fans, her l
- arge intestine, their golden house, and so forth, all in o
- ne massive process of "birthing" of body parts into some
formed yet transformed. Post
- Modern Geography
- One way of demo
- nstrating this deflective fault-line tha
- Website Services