became of the three Hollywood pariahs who came to New Mexico with a salty resolve to lick their wounds?
None ever clea
eers, but Wilson, t
r, acquitted himse
EMRTC Deputy Director
lf quite admira
n the Oscar-winning epics Bridge
- on the River Kwa
- i and Lawrence
- of Arabia.
- t's imposs
- ible to chart
- a straight path
- from Salt of the Ea
- rth to Easy Rider (1969), b
- ut the two films aren't completely at odds.
nged the status quo, rejecting, in
- Hopper's words,
- "the good old American
- way." But while S
- alt of
- the Ear
- th met with sto
er inspired stoned allegiance on the part
- of a new
- generation that
- closely identified with its l
- ong-haired, drug
- -taking anti
- heroes.
As i
- Vehicle/Equipment Maintenance
- narticulate as they could
be, Captain America and Billy e
- pitomized
- the alienated tenor
- Payroll
- of the times
- . They dro
- Inventory
ir own thing, and ultimately, crash
- ed and burned. In many w
- ays, their ugly fate mirrored the dri
- ft of the nation.
- Flower power and the
- Summer of Love already had withered away by the time Easy Rider r
outhful idealism of the '60s had splinter
- Analysis of explosive and non-explosive materials
- Synthesis and evaluation of explosives
- ed and turned sour under the shocking impact of Altamont, the Tat
- Scale-up of synthetic methods and remote mixing facilities
- e-Bianca murders and similarly dark incidents.
When Fon
, "we blew it," he's addressi
- ng the failed pr
- omises of the co
- unterculture as well as expPKI) Services
- ressing his dise