inter of 1540-1541. Glowing ac
counts of how
ians lived were told by the romantic Spanish chroniclers.
Still, they found only a poor simple people living by the soil
and a little huntingÑbut no gold.
Tiguex was not the only province along the river. There
were others whose people had the same ways and peculiar
customs as" the people at the Tiguex villages. One of these
provinces was that of Quirex. It has been determined that
this was the district where the Keres language is spoken
today by five very primitive In
dian Pueblos. They are
Cochiti, Santo Domingo, San Felipe, Santa Ana and Sia.
Moved by an indomitable spirit and determination, a
small band of soldiers pushed far north from Tiguex, past
the Keres-spe
One of aking villages where another province was discovered
on the upper Rio Grande. It was reported that two
very fine villages were to be seen. According to some students
these were in the vicinity of the present Tewa-speaking
village of San Juan. The entire Indian population moved
out at the sight of the Spanish. They retreated into the
mountains where they said they had four very strong villages
in a rough country where i