Prevention of and Response to Suicide Bombing Incidents (PRSBI) Course
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Prevention of and Response to Suicide Bombing Incidents (PRSBI) Course

rse of the "New," marked by origin myths and providential beginnings. The northbou

nd movement of the New Mex
ican conquest t
Field Laboratories
hus posits a "zero point" o
r starting poin
t in time that en
ables its ritual r    Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to View

epetition through space. I

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c in conquered lan

ds, in a centuries-long tradition that dates to the reconquista of Muslim territory in the Iberian Peninsula. The Castilian Crown does

Note: Participants who pass the course final with a minimum score of 70 percent are certified as trainers and may earn academic credits from New Mexico Tech. Students interested in obtaining undergraduate or graduate level credit for the IRTB or PRSBI course should go to the following web address for more information ng, the (re)making, of a new Spain requires a grammar of performative gestures: the Requerimiento is perhaps

its most fa

mous instance. Rea    Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to View

d on the horizo

n of New Mexican

land (otherwise Pueblo territory), this speech act, in which Don Juan de Onate claims possession of the lands in the name of the king, is performative: for the Spanish, it en

t only establishes the "legal" and "moral" grounds for any and all future

Spanish contact, warfare, settlement, missionary activity, a