IRTB and PRSBI Continuing Education Credit Information.
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IRTB and PRSBI Continuing Education Credit Information.

Continuing Education Credit

parting of the waters of

the Red Sea. Small house sites dotted the mesas and canyons on both sides. But still, members of both groups could possibly have lived here together. Legend hints at this. As time went on more houses sprang up at the base of the north cliff and crude pueblos were erected on the floor


the Canyon. Kivas or ce
remonial chambers were

dug out of the vall

ey floor and lined with walls of rock. Indians gathered cobble stone because they might not have known how to cut blocks during these early times with which to lay masonry walls. They gathered thousands of them and built their kiva walls eight or ten feet thick. This was t


attempt to utilize th
3 credit hours: $768.35

e pieces of crudely

shaped felsite or volcanic ash. They laid huge timbers fifteen or more inches m diameter atross the walls of their large underground chambers. Then smaller poles of pine were cut

and laid on top of th e large vigas. Splitt

ings were hacked fr
om down trees. Pine, Co
ttonwood, junip
er, pifionÑanythi

Other Information

ng that would split easily with crude stone implementsÑ^were
used for the next roof course. Then brush and grass and mud were put on top. The roofs must have
been two or more feet thick but little did the Indians realiz

How do I have a transcript sent to my school or myself?

Simply e that the tr to download and print the form that you will need to mail to EMRTC. Full instructions are on the form. If you have any questions regarding this, please call 575-835-5513.

emendous weight might crack the bi/g timbers after they drie