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EMRTC Multimedia

s to say in 1908: "The main ore

supply wi

ll be drawn from the company's mines,

but custom ore will be purchased and fair and square tr

eatment accorded the miner," it said.

The whole operation - like

the narrow-gauge railroad - never rea

lly panned out. The operation was idle for several years until 1913. Then, Romaine Fielding and the Lubin Motion Picture Company came to t

own, and the abandoned s

melter caught the director's eye. "Sundy was a thEMRTCr

illing day for the Silver City people," said the Independent that year. "

The Lubin Co. enacted a d

rama at the smelter below town, blew u

p the nar © 2001-2011 row gauge railroad bridge and two large w