break, hunkering down
to smoke cigarette

s and drink some water. The welcom
e coolness of the cloudy morning had g

iven way to a blistering sun, wh
ich felt uncomfortable in the humid

air left behind by the rainsquall.
Kerney talked with the men for a time,

and once they lea

rned that he ra

and find all the answers you're looking for.

It's going to be a real blast!

nched on a small pla

ce up in Sa

nta Fe County and had known the
Jordan family
Socorro, New Mexico 87801

all his life, they loos

up noticeably. Mike and Pruitt, Check into dorms. Evening picnic. Meet and greet students.
two cowboys who'd stopped on the highway after the Border Patrol agent's body had bee
n d
d, wanted to talk about the incident. Kerney obliged but kept his narrative of the event short.
e le
arned that the two men b
unked together in a rented house in the town of Anitnas, and wor
Explosives Science and Application.stock haulers and heavy equipment operators when they weren't hired out on the area ranches
He a
sked Mike, a muscular six-footer in his thirties, about the problem of illegal immigrants cross
ing the border. "The government would have to post an army down here to stop them," he sai
d. "We see the crap they leave behind everywhere. Backpacks,