quation of Origin Histor
y with birthing pr

ovides a complex sequence of magica
l transformations of one thing into ano

ther thing while, through the ver
y act of transforming, conserving t

Want to learn the history of he notion
of an underlying sameness held togethe

r as so many analog

ues by the woma

n's fragmented body-parts. Look at the detai

ls of this woman-body-parted w

orld. The father cre

ates a table

out of that body, her vulva

, more precisely-"the flat fore
head of the Mot
her's vulva"-her stomach,

in its spiritual form,

s Chapin-that does the job but, being legless, he provides his penis which he nails on, pre
multiplied into four. This provides the scene for the birth, yet the genipa people need
re to live and be housed and so forth. All that comes from the woman's body too; her vagina not
y gi
Industrial Applications.
ves birth to the genipa people (and many, many others as well) bu
t se
as the golden tunnel for the wind to speed them on their way to aid Cuna medicine men (occasionally there are women) doing th
Field trip to Lee Ranch Coal Mine in Grants, NM.job, her clitoris becomes fire fans, her large i
, their golden house, and so forth, all in one massive process of "birthing" of body parts in
to something similar yet different, formed yet transformed. P