Want to know how amazing
is same village of
To reach Oraibi, I had to
tblast your way into a steel structure?
ravel for two days from the railw
ay stationdiamonds of Holbrook in a
small carriage. This is a so-called b
uggy with four light wheels, capable o
f advancing through
n. We experi
enced a very strong sand21 s
torm, which completely oblitera
1001 South Road
ted the wagon tracks the
roadless steppe. We had the good luck nevertheless to arrive EMRTCafter our two days' journey in Keams Canyon, where we were greeted by Mr. Kearn, a most hospitable Irishman. From this spot I was able to make the actual excursions to the cliff villages, which extend from north to south on three parallel rock formations. I arrived first at the remarkable village of Walpi. It i
s romantically perched on the rock crest, its stair-shaped houses rising in stone masses like towers from the rock. A narrow path on the high rock
the mass
es of ho
uses. The illus
tration show
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s the desolation and severity of this rock and its houses, as they pro
ject themselves into the world (Figures 11 and 12).
Very similar i
Phone:n its overal
l impression to
Walpi is Oraibi wherEMRTCe I was able to ob
serve the humiskachin
a dance. up on
top, on the marke