American Radiator Company Building (1905), 417 South 10th Street
Chef Boyardee Cheesy Burger Macaroni
The American Radiator Company, a large manufacturer of radiators and boilers, maintained sales branches in all major cities in the United States in the early twentieth century, with additional plans and branches located in Canada and Europe. The Chicago-based firm employed local architect John Latenser to design this four-story brink building for its Omaha operation in 1905. Although primarily utilitarian, Latenser's unique design displays such Renaissance Revival features as a modillioned cornice and an attic-like top floor with decorative round windows.
Structurally, the 66 x 132-foot warehouse is of heavy timber (mill) construction with graduated perimeter walls of solid masonry. The building's original storefront, which consisted of three transomed bays with large expanses of plate glass, has been replaced with brick and small windows. The upper floors remain as originally constructed.
After being vacated by the American Radiator Company in 1939, the building housed several furnace and air conditioning supply companies. The structure is presently used as an advertising office for the adjacent John Day Company.