Kingman Implement Company Building (1900; 1905; 1917), 923 Farnam Street
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Little is known about the Kingman Implement Company except that is was a wholesale distributor of farm implements and vehicles. The firm hired architect Charles Cleves to design a six-story warehouse (the west half of this structure) for them in 1900. Five years later the Allen Brothers Company purchased the building and employed Cleves to double its size for their growing operation. Established in Omaha in 1882, the company was one of the cit's major wholesalers in its line, supply both staple and fancy groceries throughout the region.
As it stands, this 132 c 132-foot tan brick Renaissance Revival style structure exhibits a tripartate composition with the base and top floor distinctly separated from the four intermediate floors by belt courses. The central bays of the west facade are recessed slightly from the end bays and feature arched windows at the fifth floor, while the center bay of the north facade (the original 1900 building) projects slightly and features transomed Chicago windows at the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floors topped by a large arched window at the 5th floor. These north facade features also occur on the 1905 addition, which is a mirror image of the original building. Structurally, the building consists of perimeter brick bearing walls, with wood floors supported by a wood girder and joist system on wood posts.
The architect utilized various brick configurations and stone trim for interest on the two street-facing (north and west) elevations of this corner building. Brick is used to form an arcuate corbelled cornice and the simulated quions at the top floor. Molded brick is used to top arched windows and doorways, as well as to form circular panels that flank the arches. Stone is used for window sills, belt courses and coping. Original arched entries remain intact on the west elevation and the 1905 addition. A canopy, which is not part of the original construction, covers a loading dock that extends the full width of the north elevation. Among the few changes to the building since its construction are street level modifications and the northwest corner and a few bricked in windows.
In 1917, the T.G. Northwall Company, a wholesale farm implement dealer, moved into the east half of the building and erected a one-story brick addition of the east of that, comprise of two types on construction. The front, or street-facing, portion of the building is of brick (front wall) and concrete block (side wall) construction. The remaining portion of the building extending to the alley is sheathed in wood and corrugated metal and is in very poor condition. It appears that the rear portion was possibly a loading dock that was later enclosed.
Now Commonly known as the US Tire Company Building after its most recent tenant, this building housed various wholesale businesses following the departure of Allen Brothers in 1913. Among these was the Paxton and Gallager Company, the A.Y. McDonald Company and Dietrich and Field, Inc. The structure is presently utilized for storage and is awaiting a possible rehabilitation.