Received 03/10/2005 19:20
Self portrait as tired snugglebug
Bby tgr n i r slpy!! M

Received 03/10/2005 19:20
Bby tgr n i r slpy!! M
Received 03/10/2005 19:11
Isnt it funny that this is what i look like when i talk 2 u?
Received 03/10/2005 19:06
Received 03/10/2005 09:22
hi dude
my students are hard at work
hope yours are too
people in new york are crazy
some guy is selling this noguchi coffee table for
0. must be a knockoff?
anyway i think this table could be a fun build it
yourself project to go in the collection with your
donald judd remake table. maybe we should see how many
famous pieces of furniture we can remake ourselves.
i have been researching moving costs/methods and
everything is so expensive i am feeling like avoiding
moving anything. trailer rental alone from chicago to
nyc to move furniture from my mom's is 0. which is
still significantly less than the furniture is worth,
but lord...
i hate moving.
okay dude, love you bunches.
call when you get out of class.
Received 03/10/2005 07:32
Zookeepers and Ephalumps
I Love you. Should I take the 605 or the 710?
Car Nap
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