Tag Archives: Performance

Networked_PerformanceHelen Thorington & Michelle Riel & Jo-Anne Green & Régine Debatty & Michelle Kasprzak & Luís Silva & Nathaniel Stern

interaXis IJesse Gilbert & Mark Trayle & Dafne Naphtali & Nick Didkovsky & Pheeroan Aklaff & Karen Elaine Bakunin & Wadada Leo Smith

In ProductionNathaniel Stern

Loose Ends/ConnectionsJesse Gilbert & Beth Coleman & Brenda Hutchinson & Pauline Oliveros & Maggi Payne & Zeena Parkins & Scott Rosenberg & Helen Thorington & Mary Lucier

Ars Virtua Artist-in-Residence (AVAIR)Ars Virtua & Brad Kilgerman

besides,Annie Abrahams & Martina Ruhsam

PlazavilleG.H. Hovagimyan & Christina McPhee & Artists Meeting

Graph TheoryJason Freeman & Patricia Reed & Maja Cerar

Finding TimeJesse Gilbert & Scott Rosenberg

The Simultaneous TranslatorJohn Roach & Willy Whip

Feed Lack LoopMicheál O'Connell & Ars Virtua

Variations VII: FishNetLawrence L Johnson & David Miller & Margaret Bellafiore & Tom Plsek & Mobius Artists Group

1 year performance videoMTAA

MRTNaval Cassidy & Bulk Foodveyor

IN NetworkMichael Mandiberg & Julia Steinmetz

Nothing HappensNurit Bar-Shai & Zachary Lieberman & Yishay Schwerd & Rich Miller

The Telephone GamePrinceton Laptop Orchestra (PLOrk)

Moments of InertiaTodd Reynolds & R. Luke DuBois

Ebb & FlowSonya Allin & Jesse Gilbert & Nina Sobell

Alphanumeric LabsAugust Highland and the Superheroes of Humanity

1001 nights castBarbara Campbell

Rent-A-Negro.comdamali ayo

30 Days of New LifeDouglas Gast

Internet Art as Process IIIAngie Eng & Michael Mandiberg

New England Initiative IIBrooke A. Knight & Mobius Artists Group & John Snavely & David Miller & Lawrence L Johnson & Margaret Bellafiore & Tom Plsek & Jo-Anne Green

Public WorksChris Mann & Either/Or

interaXis IIJesse Gilbert & Carole Kim & Mark Trayle & Dafne Naphtali & Nick Didkovsky & Pheeroan Aklaff & Karen Elaine Bakunin & Wadada Leo Smith

AdriftHelen Thorington & Marek Walczak & Jesse Gilbert & Jonathan Feinberg & Martin Wattenberg & Hal Eager

FeedbackJesse Gilbert & Helen Thorington & Michael Mittelman & Shelley Hirsch & Brenda Hutchinson & Maggi Payne & Pauline Oliveros & Jim Pugliese & Neil Zusman

Finding TimeJesse Gilbert & Scott Rosenberg & Amy Alexander & Nathaniel Hamon & Steev Hise & Melanie Knight-Smith & Tim Kreger & Marlene Nutall & Yasuhiro Otani & Matt Rogalsky & Matt Ingalls & John Shiurba & Aram Sinnreich & Atau Tanaka & Lindsay Vickery & Willow F. Williamson & Pamela Z

(Re)Writing: Writers, Computers, and Networks IIJohn Cayley & Thalia Field & Nick Montfort & Noah Wardip-Fruin

(Re)Writing: Writers, Computers, and Networks IJohn Cayley & Yael Kanarek & Nick Montfort & Noah Wardip-Fruin

Aspects of Online PerformanceNick Didkovsky & Helen Thorington

[’til death do us a part]tobias c. van veen

Moments of InertiaR. Luke DuBois & Todd Reynolds

Moments of Inertia + The OccupantsR. Luke DuBois & Todd Reynolds & Stephan Moore

3 X 3: New Media Fix(es) on TurbulenceJosephine Bosma & Belén Gache & Eduardo Navas

The Immediated NowKazys Varnelis