More of the Same

January 2008

Supported by New York State Music Fund

More of the Same extends LoVid’s investigation of electrical irregularities and human interactions. After it loads copies of a single sound sample, fissures in the digital veneer are explored as the spoken communication is played back repeatedly. Though each instantiation of the speech is identical, physical constraints affect the timing. This allows the nature of the medium to peek through the cracks in the voices.


More of the Same loads copies of one sound sample, causing your system to produce different sounds. Many copies challenge your setup and may not “work” properly, may not sound at all, or may cause your browser to crash.

Our advice: start slow, with only 1.

Close each popup window before launching the next as you work your way up to higher copy numbers.

One image is also repeated horizontally and vertically in each window, the same number of times as the sound is loaded. The image scales so all repeats fit in the same size window.