
midiatica.org is Alexandre Freire, Etienne Delacroix, Giuliano Djahdjah, Luís “Asa” Fagundes, hacker, Murmur, Ricardo Ruiz, Romano, Tatiana Wells: ALEXANDRE FREIRE: mobile programmer, responsible for setting up the audio mobile server. ETIENNE DELACROIX: MIT fellow and teacher at University of Sao Paulo. Works with discarded computers and other technological garbage. Responsible for assembly of a portable PC and the machine’s backbone. GIULIANO DJAHDJAH: free-radio practitioner and documentarian, responsible for workshops and urban interventions. LUÍS “ASA” FAGUNDES: hacker, PHP, C++ programmer. MURMUR: a group collecting personal stories on mobile phones in Toronto, Canada. Responsible for mobile connectivity. RICARDO RUIZ: media practitioner, responsible for workshops, construction of the machine and urban interventions. ROMANO: radio artist and audio designer, responsible for audio recording. TATIANA WELLS: new media researcher, responsible for urban interventions and collecting stories.