Emily Short

Emily Short is the author of several award-winning works of interactive fiction that explore new possibilities in character conversation and physical world modeling, including Best of Three, Metamorphoses, Pytho’s Mask, and Savoir Faire. She has written numerous short works of interactive fiction (including The Last Sonnet of Marie Antoinette and A Day for Fresh Sushi) and is co-author of Max Blaster and Doris de Lightning Against the Parrot Creatures of Venus. Her Galatea, winner of the 2000 IF Art Show, is assigned reading in several new media courses; her most recent game, City of Secrets, was listed among the Games Magazine “Top 100 Electronic Games of 2003.” Short has written about interactive fiction extensively, has contributed library extensions to Inform to aid programmers, and has reviewed dozens of games. She is currently editing IF Theory, a book on interactive fiction which explores the form both as literature and as game.