Belén Gache
Belen Gache is a Spanish Argentinean writer. She lives in Madrid. She has published the novels Lunas eléctricas para las noches sin luna, Divina anarquía and Luna India. She has also published a book of essays Escrituras nómades, del libro perdido al hipertexto, with researches on expanded literature and experimental poetry. Since 1996, she has produced a series of net-poetry, video-poetry and sound installations.
She has participated in Post-Cagean Interactive Sounds (Machida City Museum, Japan), Hypertext 01 (University of Aarhus, Denmark), FILE (Museum of Image and Sound, Sao Paulo, Brazil), the Biennale of the End of the World (Ushuaia, Argentina), the Biennale of Porto Alegre (Brazil), Cyberpoem (Barcelona), Cyberlounge (Museo Tamayo, Mexico City), Cosmopoética (Cordoba, Spain), Textropías (I-CAS, Sevilla), E-Poetry (Buffalo, New York), Digital Drifts (Elvas, Portugal), Netescopio (Oldemburg, Germany), The printed room /Poems 1990–2001 (Birsfelden, Switzerland) and given lectures at the Residencia de Estudiantes (Madrid), the University Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona), the University of Liverpool (UK), The Grand Valley State University (Grand Rapids, Mi), The University of Salamanca (Spain), the De Paul University (Chicago, Il), UNAM (México DF), the Complutense University (Madrid).
She is an Art Historian and holds a master degree in Discourse Analysis.