For the commission, at first, I was planning to make a data visualization and sonification work using mySpace data. Then, I started to feel that this is not enough to convey what's happening in the social network. The reality outside the online database world of ones and zeroes is filled with dynamic noise.
If the theme is FaceBook, a single-minded well-organized work like a useful plug-in has enough persuasiveness. But the reality in mySpace is not FFT but Hello Kitty, more Simple Life than Second Life. The creation with and without technology there is not a haute couture dress, but a grandma's hand-knitted scarf. The wish there is to be a community's celebrity rather than a great historical person. It is a bustling place like in a school trip's bus, and the classmate is sitting next to Anna Karina although the reply from her is sent by her proxy.
The bricolage of scattered ideas, various intentions, sample codes and badges of online services. The world filled with casual encounters with others, the intuitive one click jump from link to link, citing and misunderstanding, digression and annotation. I wanted to package these things in my work in a pop and capricious way.
The popup book idea came from this thinking.
"My Space Sound" is the result of my fieldwork about mySpace, with some help from my friends. It is just a tiny point or node in a huge social network, and it is a starting point rather than an accomplishment. This is just my story, and I am curious to know your story. "My Space Sound" is the artistic observations and everyday sketches of the imperfect processor named sawako about the state of networks and individuals.
2007.12.15 Sawako Kato