Brian Kim Stefans

Known primarily as a poet, Brian Kim Stefans has been producing work for the web since 1998. His most well-known work is The Dreamlife of Letters, a 14-minute Flash poem that can be found, along with other works, at in the “web poetry” section. Other web projects include the anti-war blog Circulars, and the series of New York Times detournements called “The Vaneigem Series,” which incurred a cease-and-desist letter from the Times (see interview). He edits the series of Slash Ubu e-books that are found at, and has published several books of poetry (Free Space Comix, Gulf, Angry Penguins) and one of experimental criticism, Fashionable Noise: On Digital Poetics. He is working on a new series of 24 short pieces of digital poetry called “A Book Of Poems,” due in Spring 2005.