Barbara Campbell

Barbara Campbell has performed in Australia, Europe and the USA, in museums, galleries, public buildings, through photography, on film, video, radio, and the internet, in silence and with words, still and moving, since 1982. The Department of Performance Studies at the University of Sydney produced a survey exhibition of her 1997–2001 performances with an accompanying catalogue, ‘Flesh Winnow’ (Power Publications: 2002) and she is currently an Associate Artist with the Department. In 2004 she received an Australia Council Fellowship to develop and produce her online durational performance work, ‘1001 nights cast’ in which she webcast a story live each night, over the internet, for 1001 nights from 2005–08. The stories are archived in written form at Barbara is currently a PhD candidate at Sydney College of the Arts, University of Sydney, researching how migratory shorebirds direct human performance.